A friend. Everyone has them. Every once and a while though a few people get lucky and find a best friend. A person who's always there for them,threw the thick and thin, the happy and sad, and the good and bad. I am one of the lucky people gets to have a best friend. Meagan Openshaw. She's Mine. She's there when I need a shoulder to cry one, A hug or even some friendly advice. I sware, she knows me better then I know myself some times and I truly love her for it. Every day I can't help but thank my ah-mazing heavenly father for blessing me with such a great friend.
She's the Apple to my Pie!
She's the Straw to my Berry!
She's the BEST to my FRIEND!
I Love My Meagan Marie!<3
You are so gorgeous Kamber! I didn't know you started a blog...just stumbled upon it :) Can't wait to see you soon.
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